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The artist Helle Rask Crawford surrenders herself totally to the creative process.

The honest expression is born through the enchantment found in sculpting.

What emerges from the beautiful and manifest figurations is a form of personal responsibility. A dynamic act of balance in a concrete sculptural expression . The artist does not revere what is in vogue at the modern art scene. Her contract with the future is thus unpredictable, but meeting the works of the artist is very rewarding, because the ultimate freedom and pleasure in the work is so markedly prioritized. Inside and outside the domaine of the time. Controlled movement is the guiding force in the handling of clay, plaster and bronze. Superficiality is only skin-deep: A sensuous joy can be sensed flowing from the artist’s fingers in the sculpting of any surface.

Jørn Henrik Olsen, Art Critic

Represented by:

Galleri V58, Århus, Dk

Galleri X, Rungsted Kyst, Dk

Galleri Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund, Dk

Galleri 5000, Odense, Dk

Rungstedgård Skulpturpark ved Galleri 5000, Rungsted, Dk

Sausmarez ArtParks, Guernsey, UK

Gallerique, Chicago, USA

Folly and Muse, München, London