Helligaandshuset, Valkendorfsgade 23, 1151 København K

Februar 1-12, 2017. Open 12–17
Vernissage february 1st, 17–19.

Opening speech by Finn Rowold, former president of  Dansk-Tysk Selskab.
Music by Mademoiselle Karen.

K2 – Artists of Copenhagen have invited their German Friendship Society, [KUN:ST] for a visit. 18 Danish and 18 German artists exhibit paintings, sculpture and graphics

Art is a universal language. In this time of upheaval, when Europe does not seem so stable anymore, two art societies try to maintain the European idea of friendship and cooperation. K2 has invited the international artists’ association, [KUN:ST] International, founded in Germany to exhibit in Helligaandshuset in Copenhagen. The title of the exhibition is “Dialogues” and is meant to symbolize conversation across national borders. “Dialogues” consists of 36 artists – 15 painters and 3 sculptors from each country. The exhibition strives to pair the individual artistic expressions and thus create new dialogues …

From Germany:
Andrea Rathert-Schützdeller (Essen)
Anja Stemmer (München)
Antonia Nork-Pfaff (Kronberg)
Bettina Kohlen (Korntal)
Brigitte Struif (Hachenburg)
Catharina de Rijke (Leverkusen)
Elmar Maria (Nürnberg)
Erich Geiger (Riederich)
Gabriele Frey (Herdwangen-Schönach)
Gertrud Schneider (Stuttgart)
Heidemarie Fruth (Stuttgart)
Ingrid Ruhl (Waiblingen)
Klaudia Thiel (Backnang)
Maike Günther (Baden-Baden)
Rosemarie Berger (Rastatt)
Sabine Rassow (Stuttgart und Kreta)
Stefanie Etter (Rudersberg)
Susanne Beckh (Esslingen)
Ute Meyer (Flensburg)
Renata Schepmann (Stuttgart)

From K2:
Alexander Kosmala (København)
Andreas Nemo (København)
Britta Westhausen (København)
Daniel Goldenberg (København)
Hanne Galschiøt (Hellerup)
Helle Rask Crawford (Græsted)
Ingeborg Rørbye (København)
Jeanette Elmelund (Gammel Holte)
Kim Kartholm (Hellerup)
Knud Larn (Hedehusene)
Lars Pryds (København)
Louise Thygesen (Hammersholt)
Malene Bjelke (Helsingør)
Rikke Darling (København)

K2’s guests:
Gert Brask (Espergærde)
Lene Sandvang (Holløse)