Limner Gallery, Hudson, NY, 2015
Limner Gallery, Hudson, NY Small Works January 29 - February 21 LIMNER GALLERY 123 Warren Street Hudson, NY 12534 518-828-2343 Gallery Hours Thurs - Sat 12-5 Mon-Wed by appt.
Hochkomplexen Bewegungs- und Ausdrucksformen, 2015
Die Dänische Bildhauerin Helle Rask Crawford holt sich für ihre bezaubernden Bronzefiguren die Inspiration vorwiegend aus der Mythologie. Die Gestallt der Venus (Venus meets her first Challenge) lässt sie jedoch nicht heroisch auftreten, vielmehr versetzt sie sie augenzwinkernd in eine…
IMAGINAIRE VII Exhibition, 2014
Vernissage and book launch November 1st 2014 from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Several artists will be present. There will be live music and performance Participating artist at the exhibition are: Steven Kenny – USA (guest of honour), Igor…
LIMNER GALLERY 123 Warren Street Hudson, NY 12534 518-828-2343 Gallery Hours Thurs – Sat 12-5 Mon-Wed by appt.
Speech by Art History Student and Bachelor of Visual Arts, Nina Sølbek Pinderup at Gallery V58, 2012
My name is Nina Sølbek Pinderup, I study Art History and I have a bachelor’s degree in Visual Culture from Aarhus University. It is my great pleasure to inaugurate this year’s special exhibition ‘Compelling Realism from 5 viewpoints’ on behalf…
X-Porten, Hundested Harbour, 2015
Opening 9/9 16-18, until 14/9 Bjørn Brammer, Catharina Nordlindh, Susanne Helweg, Per Christoffersen, Søren Knudtzon, Malene Hedetoft, Helle Rask Crawford