Portrait Now! Sweden
. /10/"> PORTRÄTT NU! 2.9 - 29.10 2017 The 6th Carlsberg Foundation Portrait Award. Opening by Mette Skougaard, museum director, Danish national history Museum. www.portrait-now.com Ljungberg museum, Kronobergs läns museum for Art Since 2012 the official Art Museum for Kronobergs Län. Öppet tisdag-fredag 12–17 Lördag-söndag 12–16 Måndag stängt 0372–620 36 Strandgatan 5 341 44 Ljungby
Vita Tua, Vita Mea, Contemporary Art Observatorium, Venedig
Vita tua, vita mea. My Life, your Life The event will take place at CON-TEMPORARY 7 exhibition room, sited in the historical centre of Venice, Italy, between the famous Rialto and Scalzi bridges, exactly in Calle de Mezo of Campo San Giacomo dell'Orio square. The intent of VITA TUA, VITA MEA is to create a conceptual connection in response to…
The Exhibition, Peace, in Stuttgart, 2107
The Exhibition, Peace, in Stuttgart, 2107 [KUN:ST] International has instituted an Art Prize under the theme Peace. The sculpture: In the Shadows of War participates. May 19 to June 24 The exhibition will move to Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania, USA.
Portrait Now! 2017
The great Nordic Portrait competition sponsored by the Carlsberg Foundation. May 11 until July 30, 2017
DIALOGER / DIALOGUES Helligaandshuset, Valkendorfsgade 23, 1151 København K Februar 1-12, 2017. Open 12–17 Vernissage february 1st, 17–19. Opening speech by Finn Rowold, former president of Dansk-Tysk Selskab. Music by Mademoiselle Karen. K2 - Artists of Copenhagen have invited their German Friendship Society, [KUN:ST] for a visit. 18 Danish and 18 German artists exhibit paintings, sculpture and graphics Art is a universal language. In this…
Installation Kafka at Home auf der ARTe 2017
Die Galerie Kerstan, Stuttgart, zeigt auf der ARTe erstmalig die Installation "Kafka at Home". Durch den Künstler und Galeristen Andreas Kerstan kuratiert ist die Installation eine kleine Ausstellung in sich, die inhaltlich und thematisch den Betrachter in die Zeit und das Werk Kafka's zurückversetzt. Die Installation zeigt auf den ersten Blick einen Ausschnitt in ein Wohn- oder Esszimmer jener Zeit…